TJHRA Results/Entries
Entries are listed in Alphabetical Order and are not the official draw. If there are any discrepancies, please contact secretary ASAP. Official draw will be posted the day of rodeo.
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We are utilizing paper entry forms. Contestants may leave their entry forms and fees in their folder to pre-enter the next rodeo.
Mail in entries must be postmarked Monday 2 weeks prior to the rodeo contestant wants to enter.
Call-ins accepted Monday before rodeo, with $25 late fee.
Slack is $100 per contestant or $150 per family.
Slack in each event will be Sunday before each event starts. (Example: Pole slack will run Sunday before the poles start. The Sunday pole performance will begin immediately after the pole slack.)
If any questions please feel free to contact secretary or board members.
Individuals entered in Junior High Slack- Rodeo
Barton, KBeard, CBragg, WHarless, CHazaleus, CHuckabee, HIngle, KKnox, KMinton, JMyers, KNichols, KuPark, KSteward, WStiles, JSvoboda, KWest, ColtWest, Collin